Wednesday, November 29, 2006


yes i m watching BIG BOSS these days on TV and am hooked. i m sacrificing 1 hr of my precious sleep for it. and i am having fun. its mindless nonsense and its helping me unwind. awesome!

like most of u know its a reality show with B grade celebrities locked into this insane house somewhere in karjat and they gotta spend 100 days in it without any contact with the outside tv no mobiles nothing. Just plain simple cooking, house cleaning, chatting, hanging out at the pool and execution of tasks given.
ofcourse one of them is voted out every week by the fellow inmates and the viewers obviously get all the dope after savouring all the juicy crap throughout the week.

the point is, its wonderful to see these guys being stripped down to their insecure needy and selfish selves. an ideal situation of complete hypocricy,lies, envy, manipulation and all of that decorated with hostile behaviour, cat fights and vengence.
its wonderful something so stupid can be so entertaining...
OK fine......i am shameless, i do insane stuff. i cant forgive myself.