Wednesday, November 29, 2006


yes i m watching BIG BOSS these days on TV and am hooked. i m sacrificing 1 hr of my precious sleep for it. and i am having fun. its mindless nonsense and its helping me unwind. awesome!

like most of u know its a reality show with B grade celebrities locked into this insane house somewhere in karjat and they gotta spend 100 days in it without any contact with the outside tv no mobiles nothing. Just plain simple cooking, house cleaning, chatting, hanging out at the pool and execution of tasks given.
ofcourse one of them is voted out every week by the fellow inmates and the viewers obviously get all the dope after savouring all the juicy crap throughout the week.

the point is, its wonderful to see these guys being stripped down to their insecure needy and selfish selves. an ideal situation of complete hypocricy,lies, envy, manipulation and all of that decorated with hostile behaviour, cat fights and vengence.
its wonderful something so stupid can be so entertaining...
OK fine......i am shameless, i do insane stuff. i cant forgive myself.

Friday, September 15, 2006


There u are gone without a word, leaving undercurrents in the air and memories to last a lifetime. The chemistry u didnt understand, the feeling u denied. Maybe i can turn back time and start afresh..hoping that things were different then.i wonder what the new life will bring for you, you will have your dreams coming true.But would you miss me in your otherwise busy schedule or would u take a moment and think of me when things get rough.Nostalgia strikes and i yield to it,busying my mind to the times shared.

Maybe you will find someone else maybe you wont...And when you come back you will be a different person, someone whom i will know but never understand.

this too shall pass.

There is something about the rains, dont know what, but i feel like a complete mess during these 4 months called monsoon.I can comfortably say that i hate this season since it neither brings me happiness nor any kind of relief to my meandering mind.sunshine brings hope and the courage to fight it all...i see things in a new light here ,literally.

All these thoughts of gloom and negativity surround me...Maybe its because of the city that hasnt equipped itself to this thundering monster. maybe its because of some deep rooted memories of the rains that gives me this feeling of emptiness. I dont enjoy the dampness, the greyness the absoulate immobility of life it brings with it.
I wish i could wash away my pain with the pouring lonliness, my longing.
But tomorrow is again another day which will bring me the strength and ability to get through today..

interesting quotes

----G's Third Law:

In spite of all evidence to the contrary, the entire universe is composed of only two basic substances: magic and bullshit.

H's Dictum:

There is no magic ...

---"sure we have landed.... its the right planet, but the wrong universe."

---I have a very firm grasp on reality! I can reach out and strangle it any time!

-----a little bit of insanity is essential to see things in the right perspective ....!

--In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks."

--Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm

--Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds"

-- The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated.

-- Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them

---"success is never final,and failure never fatal, its the courage that counts."

the journey so far.

I realised that out of the given day i spend min 3.5 hours only travelling.i.e 3.5*5=17.5 hrs every week. Home and work and back and good old shuttle.Yes its my second home and the thane belapur road seems to be the place i am at most of the time. Yes Travel Kills! Imagine precious minutes of ones life are spent in idle road journey day after day,month after month,year after year.

Read in the papers the other day ways of killing time while one travels by road and I seem to have done it all.. Sleeping,chatting with collegues,listening to radio,catching up with friends,reading,eating etc etc...There is something called tolerance and I have surpassed the limits of it. there is nothin more to read or to talk or to listen or to sleep.We then started playing cards just like they do in local trains. Guess what I am bored of it too..

i have seen enough of hills and the greens and the water birds and the cars and the roads and the jams. I know i should be blessed to travel comfortably,like we know travel in mumbai doesnt come easy but alas! i would give anything to give it away.the enclosed spaces of the shuttle gives me a feeling of claustrophobia and the incessant chatter of the people around me makes me want to pull my hair out.
I read newspapers and catch up on atlas shrugged which i have been reading since ages but nothing seems to pacify my ever increasing frustration as each day passes.
I pass time idly by making my mind into a devil's workshop and engage it into a complex thought process. There are times i look crazy staring into infinity..

I have had enough of the office gossip, the world news, the jabbering of the RJ's and the polluting air outside. Its time I made a decision to shift residence,its time for a change!

fitness mantra

The latest passion to hit me is the mad desire to loose the extra kilos. The process had begun subconsciously but now it has become a challenge.I would like to say that after a very long time i have actually felt so passionately about something that i would call real,lasting and true. Its amazing how that inner voice has driven me to develop it into an obsession. unless we dont have the craziness in us to do things then they become terribly tough and difficult to get through. Having complete belief and faith in the idea is the key.

I may sound shallow but its true ; to face the tough competitive world of ours one needs the necessary confidence and energy to carry oneself with a certain strut of attitude and comfort. To get that perfect look physically seems to be the solution to all my problems.
The past three weeks have been eventful and yes i have enjoyed every bit of the food control and the fitness regime. Its not about following the routine, its about making it a part of life and to be okay with the thought and idea that maybe you might never have the luxury to binge into that tempting cuisine again.Its about that will power which carries you through the ordeal.

Gym is an interesting place to be at. Its eventful inspite of the sweat,the drone of the machines, the trainers, the wannabes, the uncles with lustful eyes, the young dudes flexing their muscles, the girl next door, the counseller and the music. Weight training ,abs, cardio and the endless jargons on weight loss, muscle training, fitness plans and all overwhelms me.
As I climb on the treadmill once again and run i feel i have suddenly developed the vitality and flexibility to take over my laziness. I reach a level of emptiness and a state of meditation after a few minutes as i develop the rhythm that synchronises my breath and mind.

Its difficult to explain how one feels when one has conquered the most procrasted thought and converted it into action. I am convinced of the fact and eternally hopeful that this regime becomes a guiding inspiring light of perseverance